Cassie Witt Wordpress Programmer and Designer, Digital Marketer, Writer, Geek.

Current Projects

My list of current business, writing, coding, and personal projects.
  • The Frustrated Marketer Newsletter
  • Programming Some Automations for My Day Job
  • Revamping Team 3 Media
  • Finishing Short Stories
  • Gearing up for NaNoWriMo with a new novel
  • Thriller on C-Street
  • Reorganizing My Life

Novel Stats

WIP Title: Project Marshmallow
21% Complete
10,319 of 50,000 words

October 2014 Goals: Content and Income are King

So, I’ve been reading Neville Medhora’s blog for a while now. Brilliant guy, by the way. You should check out his blog, if you get the chance. Anyway, one of the things he does that I admire is to write out his goals and post them to his blog every month. Most of his “goal” posts feature a picture of a sheet of paper with his handwritten goals. There’s usually only 2 or 3 on the sheet. He also talks a little bit about what he’s doing that month.  He accomplishes quite a bit of what he writes down.

I think this tactic is successful for a few reasons.

1. The first is that the goals are written on any old piece of paper. No fancy software or smartphone app needed. The easier the process is for him to write down the goals every month, the easier it is for Neville to continue to do this every month.

2. He intentionally keeps his goals to just two or three every month.

3. It’s on the interwebs, so social pressure!

I’m going to take it one step further, though. I’m going to post the initial blog, and I’m going to blog my progress. I intend to do this every day, if possible. That way I have a record of what I did and what I didn’t do. I pride myself on having a good memory, but I know that there are times when I forget what I felt or what I was going through when I experienced something. This is also important to me to track. I need a better gauge of my accomplishments and the mental and emotional impact they’re making on my life.

So, without further ado, here’s the pic of my goals for October 2014.

October 2014 Goals


Sorry about the spidery writing, that’s just how I roll when I don’t have to write for someone else to really read it. Just in case you were wondering, though… My 3 goals are:

  1. Write and publish 1 piece of content everyday (blog, video, ppt, etc.).
  2. Launch contest for FREE FB Contest. (This is a contest I’m doing to give away a fully designed and managed Facebook Contest)
  3. Replace income from lost job.

Day 1 Update

Content Goal

This blog post was my piece of “content” for the day. I’m trying not to make my content seem really easy or really hard to produce. I am aiming for 30 days of consistent content, after all, which is something I’ve never achieved. So, I’m considering blog posts, videos, powerpoints, ebooks, and other bigger pieces of content to only be valid during this 30 days time. I do have this one addendum, though. After this initial blog post the “update” posts will not count as content for the day. That way I can’t “cheat”.

FB Contest Goal

I have been working on (and meaning to launch) a free ebook for quite some time. For one reason or the other I’ve been putting it off. So, my thought is to offer the free ebook as an added incentive to anyone who signs up for the free Facebook contest giveaway. That way everyone gets something no matter what. So, today, I worked on it some more. It will take me at least another day’s work to complete, but I’m determined to have it done and the contest launched by early next week.

Replace Income From Lost Job

Even though I have these other two goals (both of which I hope will generate income eventually) I can’t ignore my current situation. Neither my husband, nor the quickly dwindling money will let me forget it anyway!

Today, I studied for an exam for a job I applied for. I’ll take the first part of the test tomorrow. If I don’t pass the first part of the test, I can’t go on to parts 2 and 3. I have 64 pages of study material to get through before I can even take the first test. My brain is seriously sore tonight. I read a lot, in general, but this material is very dry and tedious. We’ll see what happens. I will post back at the end of tomorrow with my results (if I have them by then). I also sent off a proposal to a former client for some work that was requested. I’ll have to follow-up on that in a couple of days to see what the answer is there.

Author Details

Hi, I’m Cassie. I love books and media and think that they have the power to change our lives. I also love to write, play games like Minecraft and ARK, cook, run, and dance. For a living, I provide Digital Marketing and Website Design services under the company I founded Team 3 Media. Currently, I’m working on writing more, learning to bake better bread, and staying consistent with my health and fitness goals.

October 2014 Goals: Day 2 Update

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