Cassie Witt Wordpress Programmer and Designer, Digital Marketer, Writer, Geek.

Current Projects

My list of current business, writing, coding, and personal projects.
  • The Frustrated Marketer Newsletter
  • Programming Some Automations for My Day Job
  • Revamping Team 3 Media
  • Finishing Short Stories
  • Gearing up for NaNoWriMo with a new novel
  • Thriller on C-Street
  • Reorganizing My Life

Novel Stats

WIP Title: Project Marshmallow
21% Complete
10,319 of 50,000 words

October 2014 Goals: Day 2 Update

It’s day 2 of working on my October goals and here’s how it went down.

Content Goal

Just finished posting a slideshare that was repurposed content from a blog post a few days ago. I elected to actually “redo” the power point rather than turn the blog post into a pdf and post it. Mostly because slideshare won’t let you have working links in your decks until the 4th page. Also, I think it’s a cooler version of the information than what I wrote in the blog. You’re welcome to check both out and let me know.

Today, I also screen-casted a small tutorial for Facebook. I haven’t added it yet, though. Mostly because I suck at videos and I know it’s going to be terribad. I might have to redo it. I also worked a bit on the free contest ebook. Mostly I played around with the formatting, because I was not happy with what I had. I’m now much more satisfied and look forward to launching it.

FB Contest Goal

I didn’t really work on this today, unless you count the stuff with the free ebook. I’ll try to get back to it tomorrow.

Income Goal

This was a super-frustrating day for this goal. I finished studying (which was mind-boggling slow) and got ready to take my test around 6pm. It’s an online open book test, and the login information came in an email. So, I opened the email, read through it and followed the instructions. But when I logged in, the screen did not look like it was supposed to. So, like a good internet detective, I started clicking around. There was this button on the first page that said something like “check requirements”, so I clicked that and then filled out the short survey they provided. At least we were getting somewhere now. Suddenly, there was another button that said continue, so I did… And then I was on a page with questions. Success! Or was it? I hesitated before I started the exam, and looked over the questions. They seemed to be asking questions that I didn’t remember being in the study material. I scanned the rest of the questions and realized that this must be one of the later parts of the test. So, I put a support ticket in to see if they can fix it. I hope so. I’m on day 2 of the 7 days I have to take my test, and I still have the last two parts to study for and actually take. Hopefully, I’ll be able to login and complete part 1 by tomorrow morning, but we’ll see.

A fairly productive day, considering my husband and I also did our normal Thursday ride to the gym on our bikes, do a workout, and then ride back. That takes 2 plus hours. Tomorrow is another workout day.

Well, that’s enough for me. I’m done for the day. It’s almost tomorrow where I’m at anyway, so time for bed. Good luck on your goals!

Author Details

Hi, I’m Cassie. I love books and media and think that they have the power to change our lives. I also love to write, play games like Minecraft and ARK, cook, run, and dance. For a living, I provide Digital Marketing and Website Design services under the company I founded Team 3 Media. Currently, I’m working on writing more, learning to bake better bread, and staying consistent with my health and fitness goals.

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