Cassie Witt Wordpress Programmer and Designer, Digital Marketer, Writer, Geek.

Current Projects

My list of current business, writing, coding, and personal projects.
  • The Frustrated Marketer Newsletter
  • Programming Some Automations for My Day Job
  • Revamping Team 3 Media
  • Finishing Short Stories
  • Gearing up for NaNoWriMo with a new novel
  • Thriller on C-Street
  • Reorganizing My Life

Novel Stats

WIP Title: Project Marshmallow
21% Complete
10,319 of 50,000 words

NaNoWriMo and Other Fall Woes

Ah, fall, that time of year when temperatures fall, the air gets crisper, everything is suddenly pumpkin-flavored, and in some parts of the country trees don amazingly colored coats before they throw them on the ground like old gum wrappers.

I absolutely love this time of year, usually. I love the food: pumpkin bread, apple cider, pies, roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and in-season fruits and vegetables. I adore that nip in the air that reminds me of friday night high school football games, hot chocolate, and spending time with my friends and family. Some of the best times in my life have happened in the autumn. This year, though, I only feel a ghost of the usual excitement and nostalgia that I’m used to.

I know why. A month ago I should have celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary and a month from now will be one year from when my ex and I split.

It hasn’t been all bad, though. I’ve actually been quite productive recently. I’ve been more consistent with my blog posting. I’ve made more progress on overhauling my Build Email Lists Fast Course. I’ve also done better with my Life Reboot. And, incidentally, the ex and I have been getting along a lot better lately.

All this stuff happening in my life got me to thinking recently. I knew NaNoWriMo was coming up, and I really wanted to participate again this year. I’ve officially participated for the last two years. My work counts have seriously sucked during NaNoWriMo, though. I always start out with good intentions, but somewhere during the second week I start to fizzle. Also, something always comes up to prevent me from putting my entire focus into the project. It’s never anything small, either. Last year I was preparing for a dance performance, and things were starting to really fall apart at home. This year, I don’t feel like I’m ready to take on another big project (if even for a month) until I get a few more things squared away with my life.

I used to feel really guilty when I had to set aside something that I wanted to do because I didn’t have enough time. This year, I feel like it’s the right choice. So, to all of you out there who are participating in that crazy headlong run down the hill that is NaNoWriMo. I’ll be rooting for you from the benches. Next year, I hope to join you again.

Author Details

Hi, I’m Cassie. I love books and media and think that they have the power to change our lives. I also love to write, play games like Minecraft and ARK, cook, run, and dance. For a living, I provide Digital Marketing and Website Design services under the company I founded Team 3 Media. Currently, I’m working on writing more, learning to bake better bread, and staying consistent with my health and fitness goals.

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